Friday, November 4, 2011

Early mornings, School, Baptist Collegiate Ministry, oh my

Yesterday was kind of rough. I woke up at 4a.m. for no apparent reason. Could be my meds (Straterra used to do this to me), but I got it decreased, so I don't know. It's frustrating. >.<

Classes went okay. Long. I'm in 4 social work classes (Social Work 301 [Human Behavior in the Social Environment], Social Work 300 [Social Policy and Practice], Social Work 200 [Intro. to Human Services], and Social Work 362 [Social Work with Children]) and stats (Math 171), and 3 of my social work classes (SOWK 301, 300, and 200) are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Including the dreaded 8a.m. I fell asleep after my 9:30-10:45 class and slept for an hour and a half, crammed for a test in my next class (which started at 2:15). Took the test. Hope I did well. I'll find out Tuesday.

I finished the test really early (>20 minutes). Went back to the apartment and got online for a while. The night before, I'd asked a friend if she still was interested in me going to Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) with her because she'd asked me a few weeks back and I decided I was interested in my new search for spirituality. She had said yes, so I got ready for that and we went to that from 5-7:15 or so. So, so, so stressful. I was expecting 10-15 people, because I thought it was a small group and she hadn't said anything. I got there and there were over 100. I hate crowds. I felt like I was going to have a nervous breakdown. There was dinner, which was good, and then an ice breaker game, which I didn't play, and then some Scripture from I Corinthians about Paul and animal sacrifices to other gods in other religions. There were some songs, contemporary. Some discussion. Over all, I learned a good deal, but the stress of the crowds was NOT worth it. After, I went to Wal*Mart and bought a Bible. I'll self-study instead.

I also called my dad. <333 He got a new puppy, named Scout, a golden retriever. He sounds soooo cute. Also, my brother, Noah, is doing well in school still. Everything is good on that front.

I was so tired last night, but I still woke up super early. So, still not sure what it all means. It's frustrating. I don't have class for 4 hours, but I might have lunch with a friend in 3 hours.... Might fall back asleep. Might not. I have counseling this afternoon, too, at 4. Other than that, empty day. This weekend, I have to get started on the research paper for Policy...It's really in-depth, and due before Thanksgiving. With about a million other things. So, not so good.

Meh, I suppose that's it for now.


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